Are you looking for white beans recipe? Well, if you are then you have come to the right page. My white kidney beans recipe are healthy and tasty. I learned this recipe from my mom who always cooked it for my dad who loves white beans. So, I grow up eating bitsuelas beans. I often make this dish because like my mom, I want the best for my kids.
But, before I share mom’s white beans recipe, allow me to share a few important facts about kidney beans. White kidney beans are loaded with nutrients and antioxidant properties. They are also a good source of fiber and magnesium. These starchy, protein rich vegetable are great to eat and must be included on your menu once in awhile because they promote good digestion and even prevent heart disease. Kidney beans like other legumes are fiber rich food, so eating beans once or twice a week will prevent constipation. If you love your family then you would want the best for them and serving healthy meals daily is one way to show our love.
Anyway, my white beans recipe are very easy to follow. It is also easy on the budget, so you have a cheap but healthy dish with ginisang bitsuelas beans.
Here’s my white beans recipe, enjoy cooking!
White Beans Recipe
Ginisang Bitsuelas Beans
- 1 pack or 1 ½ cups of white beans
- Pork cut into serving portions
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Garlic
- Water
- Pepper
- Cooking Oil
- Fish sauce or patis
Wash and soak white beans overnight. Soaking will help soften the beans.
The next day, drain and put the beans in a pressure cooker. Pour water enough to cover the beans. Boil for 20 minutes. (If you don’t have a pressure cooker, boil the beans in a pot for two hours or until a bit tender) Once done, set aside.
In a pan, heat oil over medium heat and sauté garlic, onions and tomatoes. Add the sliced pork and cook for 5 minutes.
In a pot (where you boiled the white beans), add the meat into the cooked beans then seasoned with pepper and patis. Cover and bring to a boil until most of the water evaporated.
Remove from heat and transfer to a serving dish. Serve with steamed rice.
P.s: If you don’t have patis or fish sauce, you can use salt. seasoned with salt to taste.
I hope you find my white beans recipe easy to follow. This dish is great for lunch and dinner. Don’t forget to bookmark this page to save the recipe on your computer. Thank you for visiting and checking out my ginisang bitsuelas beans recipe. Have a nice day!