Split cake or vettu cake is a deep fried sweet cake. Crispy and delicious. It was commonly displayed in glass cabinets of most tea shops. In childhood i keep looking for this in tea shops. I just love it. Once i visited my friend she gave me freshly prepared one. It was tasty no words to say about that. She tought me how to make it. It looks like baked one, without any oil on it. The taste of cardamom and egg giving a great taste for this.
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All purpose flour-5 cups
Sugar-2 cups
Sodabicarb-11/2 tsp
Vanilla essence-1 tsp
Coconut oil-for deep fry
How to Make Split Cake
Siewe the flour.
Beat the egg and sugar.
Add vanilla essence and powdered cardamom.
Mix together and make a soft dough.
If it is sticking to the hands add some more flour to make it nonsticky.
Keep aside for 15 minutes,to make it ferment.
Divide the dough into four. Take one part of it .
Pour some flour on the board and kep the dough on it.
Roll it and then make it rectangular.
Cut into pieces like triangle.
Cut again the wider part of the triangle.
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Boil the coconut oil.
Put one by one in the oil.
Flip it when one side is golden brown.
When both sides are ready,drain it and keep it in a serving plate.